Why Not the Flat Screen?

We have a camping list that we have compiled over the years. Sleeping bags, tent, kitchen necessities, first aid kit etc. So why all this new stuff - cell phone, laptop & portable sound system. Good question. The cell phone, of course, doesn’t even function for it’s primary purpose - as a phone here in the wilderness. It does have lots of tunes on it - hence the sound system, and it also has a great little flash light app which has been very handy at times. It also functions as my watch - I haven’t worn one since I threw my last one out the window of a bus in Italy when it broke. But mostly we could do without ours.The laptop is a different story, we both like to write, journal and keeping up with this blog, but keeping it charged up has been quite a challenge. BITD (back in the day) when we were back packing, the bare necessities were all we carried - water, food, shelter - things on the lowest tier of Mazloff’s hierarchy of needs - the top human needs - spirituality, peace and beauty came included with the experience - no Flat Screen required.

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