Pinnacles of the Lost Ark

As Nancy delved into the park’s map guide for waterfalls, canyons, panoramic view points and outlet shopping - just kidding - the day’s adventure was now planned. First a stop at a waterfall, but where. About a mile from the campground was a road to the east where all of the day’s scenic spots were located and a trip around the lake. The sign said waterfall parking. We drove to the lot and wandered off into the woods - no waterfall - but we could hear it in the distance. Giving up we got back in the car and went back to the main road and there it was, Vidae Falls - we had driven right past it. Due to the lack of rainfall it wasn’t much to see but it was still beautiful.
Next stop the Pinnacles. The side road to this geologic wonder was about seven miles off the main road - I can’t describe how worth it the drive was. We pulled into the dead end parking and looked down into a deep gorge - amazing - hundreds of rock spires layered in shades from golden yellow to slate. The view was from the edge of a deep canyon. Vertigo immediately set in - I hate heights. Nancy and Sandy, of course, went right to the rim. “Come on over take a look.” “No Thank You!” I squealed like a little girl. “I can see it just fine from over here.” Having driven a car off a cliff in my youth I been to the edge before and don’t need to do it again. But then again the photo op couldn’t be passed up - nature’s minarets were maybe a once in a lifetime occurrence.
Photos taken we were off the ply the shores of the crater - Phantom Ship Overlook, Cloudcap Overlook, Pumice Point etc. etc. etc. God they were all beautiful views - we have photos for a lifetime - great memories.
Finally we finished the circle and headed back to camp. Problems to deal with: laundry, email (find an internet connection) and dinner. We solved all these in one fell swoop. Started the laundry at the Mazama Camp Center, internet at the Anne Creek Restaurant ($4 per hour) and dinner including a veggie pizza and salad bar while we were waiting. But the strangest thing was our waitress recognized us. We had worked together at Tourelle Restaurant of Lafayette fame more than 25 years ago. Linda (now called Anne) chatted with us and got us up to date on her life and we reciprocated with our story. This incident is well worth another blog.
Laundry done we headed back to camp and the evening show. Ranger (X) started the presentation in the amphitheater next to our camp. But as luck would have it she was unable to show her PowerPoint presentation - no power - a common theme we were also having (laptop, cell phones, and lantern) were all electrically challenged that evening. Her presentation went on into the darkness as she discussed one of the strange animals of the crater - the pica - a tiny relative of the rabbit that lives in the many rockfalls around the rim and does not hibernate. After answering many questions from the curious kids in attendance like do cars drive off the cliffs into the lake and does burning cow farts release global warming it was off to bed.

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